You've probably heard of Kalan's group of fans being
called the Kalanadians. If you're a new Kalan fan, one thing you might want to do is get your very own Official Kalanadian
number! This is the place to find out how!
Click on this link!
Click the register button at the top of the page. When you register, you are also becoming a part of the "Kalan Porter
Official Fan Club Forum".
Once you are registered, go back to the link that you were at first. Now Login at the top of the page.
Read the: "**IMPORTANT** Please Read Before Requesting Your Number" thread first. Then make your way to the "Official
Kalanadian Number List" to make sure that the number you want isn't taken (there are alot of numbers!). Finally, go to the
"Kalanadian Number Requests" thread.
Scroll down to the bottom and click post reply. Type in what number you want and a little while later somebody should
reply right after you confirming that you can have that number.
Now you are an official KALANADIAN!!